Rules & Ragulation

1)When will You start to receive payments?

as long as there are no holds on your account and you're in compliance with our policies.
However, we aren't able to send you a check or bank transfer at the end of the month because we first have to validate your earnings for accuracy -- a process that takes place the first week of every month  based on the previous month's earnings. We send payments a couple of weeks later, usually during the last week of the month. So if your earnings reach the payment threshold in February, we'll send you a payment before the end of March.

2)You Will not be paid if your account disabled for invalid activity.

Invalid click activity consists of any clicks or impressions that may artificially inflate an advertiser's costs or a publisher's earnings, and for which we decide not to charge the advertiser. This includes, but is not limited to, clicks or impressions generated by a publisher clicking on his own ads, a publisher encouraging clicks on his ads, automated clicking tools or traffic sources, robots, or other deceptive software.
Please note that clicks on Google ads must result from genuine user interest, and any method that artificially generates clicks or impressions is strictly prohibited by our program policies.

3)Our Termination System.

All individual distributors Can not share any our tricks,guidlines or template with any other person.

No Distributor is allowed to use company's network for marketing/promoting any other product or scheme which is not related to company.

All individual distributors should not allowed to work with any other adsense providers website or blog.

We are working on our distributors blog/websites and constuntly improving the ranking and earning of that website with few amount whether its costs are too much in market so if any persons left us or he/she founds not observing our rules and regulation , then he/she will be terminated from the company.

Once a distributor is terminated, he/she cannot enter any of the NV INFOTECH . premises/meeting locations and his/ her last month's payment/incentives/ income will not be paid immediately.

All individual distributors should adhere to Rules & Regulations formed by the organization & if any of the distributors is found guilty of not observing the same, then he/she will be terminated from the company

NV INFOTECH. never provides adsense account details or log-in authority after analysing process to any individual distributors or never sell adsense accounts 

Individual distributors receive payment from google on the 24th of the month and he/she must have to deposite 20% of his/her earning on the last date of the month otherwise the late payment penalty of 1000/- will be recovered from him/her.

If Individual distributors not satisfaied with our service and want to leave us than Individual distributors must have to inform us minimum 2 months ago ..if Individual distributors leave us or remove us from your blog's admin than Individual distributors terminated from us and his/ her last month's payment/incentives/ income will not be paid .

Join Us if you are agree with Google Online Terms of Service.
